Here I am, yelling it from the rooftops – SELF CARE LADIES!
No, I’m not talking about whether or not you shaved your legs yesterday or plucked your eye brows.
Self care is so much deeper. And it’s one of the number one things I see is lacking with the women I have consults with every week.
Does this sound familiar?
You get up with the roosters, make everyone breakfast but yourself, wipe noses and get the kids out and then rush off to the office or the PTA meeting. After running all day you go home and run around for everyone else…again. After everyone goes to bed (except you) you might have a glass of wine to wind down and if you are lucky watch a TV show of your choice before signing permission slips, organizing backpacks, paying bills and falling asleep not long before you are due to be up again.
If you are passed the stage of taking care of kiddos, replace those parts above with taking care of the hubby, pets, neighbors, parents, etc.
As women, is there anyone we don’t take care of? Yes, ourselves!!!
So listen ladies, it’s time we take the time to take care of ourselves because if we don’t, who will take care of everyone else?
Below is my Top 10 for Self Care…choose one and start TODAY.
Self Care Top 10
- Be Grateful. This is my #1 because it costs nothing! Simply take a moment each day to think about or even better, write down, the things you are grateful for today. It is a great time for reflection.
- Breathe. The best part about breathing is that you can do it anywhere. Take a few minutes and practice taking a deep breath in and exhale slowly. Repeat.
- Take a warm bath. I love to add Epsom salts, sea salt and lavender essential oil for a relaxing detoxifying treat. We carry Iviva salts and essential oils perfect for your bath time!
- Turn it off. Turn off all the screens for 30 minutes. Go on, you can do it!
- Be with friends. In person! Schedule a lunch date, a girls night out or whatever amount of time you can carve out. Having in person time with the people we love, especially our girlfriends, is so important.
- Try something new. Never tried yoga? Sign up for a class! Many offer your first class free. Love coffee? Try a new flavor. Trying something new can be as big or small as you would like.
- Take a walk. Walking is so good for you and by taking a walk you can accomplish a few self care things at once: fresh air, get some sunlight, exercise and take some deep breaths too! Want to take this one a step further? Make a playlist of your favorite songs before you go!
- Drink water. Water water water ladies! It is not just good for you, it is a necessity.
- Make a list. Get all of that stuff out of your head and put it on paper. Now relax!
- Go to bed. Most of us have an alarm to get up in the morning but I suggest setting an alarm to go to bed! Start with 15 minutes earlier than you’ve been crashing lately and work your way back from there until you are getting a good 8 hours. Have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep? We have some great supplements that can help. Stop by today and we’ll be glad to help.
Those are my Top 10 but obviously there are so many more! What are your favorite ways to take care of yourself?
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